How to Get 5A’s and 5A+’s at Cal in 1 Year – 730pm

Come learn tips, tricks and principles of how to excel here at Cal without going crazy.

This is a 3 part seminar on how to get A’s at Cal:
Session 1 is on Thursday 10/1/15
Session 2 is on Thursday 10/8/15
Session 3 is on Thursday 10/15/15

A little background on the guest speaker:
Sean Wycliffe dropped out of UCB in 2003, but returned 5 years later. While he was initially an average student, he returned and received 5 As and 5 A+’s his first calendar year back at Cal. He went on to graduate Phi Beta Kappa with Highest Honors and a 4.0 major GPA in Dec. 2010. This seminar is an extension of strategies Sean learned, used, and taught while at Cal.

The seminar will be filled first come first served basis. We are working on getting another room or potentially hosting in other locations to accommodate as many people as possible. We will keep you all posted so stay tuned!

Sep 28, 2015 | Posted by in | Comments Off on How to Get 5A’s and 5A+’s at Cal in 1 Year – 730pm
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